About us

Normang Creative Groups

We are innovative and agile team of creative designers and technical engineers that passionate in creating things from scratch using the latest technology and digital media tools as well as the traditional art techniques. Areas include, but limited to, scientific, cultural, political and economic avenues. We offer creative, Affordable, and high-quality audio visual and media tools. Our team consist of passionate individuals work together to achieve one goal-to deliver exceptional result to our clients.

Driven by creativity and industry, Normang Creatives envision to be premier organization that delivers quality customer services ensuring value for money and expectations in Bhutan and beyond.

Normang Creatives’ mission is to place customers’ needs at the center of organization by being responsible, agile and industrious provider. We are a dynamic client-based organization that places goals of customers first. Our state-of-the art technology and agile staff promise to deliver better, faster and quality results exceeding evolving customer’s expectations.

Integrity – We maintain the highest level of integrity by ensuring that the customers place their
trust on our competencies and efficiencies.
Diligence –Our staff exercise the highest level of diligence to exceed customer’s expectations
and goals
Creativity-We place creativity at the heart of service delivery to meeting evolving needs and
expectations of customers.
Customer-focused – We prioritize customer’s interests and needs and our values are
reengineered based on their aspirations.

1. To deliver high quality media and communication materials through investment in state of-the-art equipment services meeting scientific, social, cultural, political needs and expectaions.

2. To exceed customers’ expectations by focusing on continuous redesign of services based on feedback and engagements

3. To ensure value for money for goods and services through delivery of timely and quality products and services.

Our Team, Our Strength

Customers may define your brand, but your team is your brand.

Sonam Yoezer

CEO & Founder

Pema Lodup

Managing Director

Choni Dorji

Creative Director

Phuntsho Wangdi

Graphics Head

Pema Lethro

Video Editor

Ngawang Loday

System Administrator

Sanga Gyeltshen

Finance Head

Lobzang Jamtsho

VFX Artist

Sangay Yenten


©2022. Normang Creative Groups. All Rights Reserved.